You wake up one morning to find an unusual growth or fatty lump under skin. It looks harmless, but at the same time, it looks weird. You’re curious to know more about this soft lump that you can feel. You even have another fatty tumor on back. You have heard about lipomas, but you’re not sure how to identify one. You begin to wonder how it grows and what causes a lipoma. This article covers the basics that you need to know in spotting a lipoma.
What is a Lipoma?
A lipoma is a fatty lump under skin that grows slowly between the muscle layer and the skin. There are multiple kinds of lipomas. Some types cause pain, others do not. You can sometimes feel a painful lipoma if the lipoma presses on nearby nerves or if it contains many blood vessels.
A lipoma is soft and may be tender or not. It is doughy, and you can move it slightly by using slight pressure from your fingers. Lipomas are generally small. They grow about 5 centimeters (two inches) in diameter. They can grow and can be sometimes painful, depending on their sub-type.

Lipomas can be found anywhere in your body. You can find them just right under your skin. You can often see them in your neck, shoulders, arms, back, thighs, and abdomen. It is normal for people to have two or more lipomas. Most people detect lipomas during middle age.
Lipoma Treatment
Going to a science museum has benefits, as you can learn different stuff, including whether a lipoma tumor is benign or not. Being harmless, a lipoma tumor doesn’t pose a risk of cancer. This is why lipoma treatment isn’t required in general.
You can have a lipoma treatment if you feel that your lipoma continues growing or you experience a painful lipoma. Until then, you won’t have to think too much about maximizing your fundraising for your lipoma treatment.
What Causes a Lipoma?
No research can show the exact cause of lipomas. Some types of lipomas run in families. Genetic factors influence these cases. But for some, no exact reasons for benign lipoma can be pointed out. Even if you are aware of the 0.08 alcohol level, you won’t have to worry if bad eating or drinking habits can cause lipomas.

Yes, the exact causes are unknown, but there are a few things you need to know about the likelihood of getting a lipoma. Lipomas are most likely to develop if you are between 40 to 60 years old. They occur at any age, but this particular age group has the most detected cases of a benign lipoma.
If you ever have a lipoma, don’t panic. See a doctor and get a checkup. Your doctor might not be able to give you a definite answer to what causes a lipoma. However, this can make you feel at peace about that fatty tumor on back that you see. They may also suggest the removal of a lipoma for your situation if need be.